Kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez http: //?

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Kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez http: //?
Kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez http: //?

Video: Kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez http: //?

Video: Kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez http: //?
Video: From C to Python by Ross Rheingans-Yoo - YouTube 2024, Aprīlis
Ja jūs eksperimentējat un apgūstat vietnes pingēšanu, jūs, iespējams, būsiet pārsteigti par rezultātiem, kas balstīti uz to, ko jūs pingat. Šodienas SuperUser Q & A ziņa palīdz skaidrību lietas sajaukt un neapmierināts lasītājs.
Ja jūs eksperimentējat un apgūstat vietnes pingēšanu, jūs, iespējams, būsiet pārsteigti par rezultātiem, kas balstīti uz to, ko jūs pingat. Šodienas SuperUser Q & A ziņa palīdz skaidrību lietas sajaukt un neapmierināts lasītājs.

Šodienas jautājumu un atbilžu sesija mums priecājas par SuperUser - Stack Exchange dalību, kas ir kopienas vadīta Q & A tīmekļa vietņu grupa.

Ekrānuzņēmums pieklājīgi no Cristianzambrano (Wikimedia Commons).


SuperUser lasītājs Saranss Singh vēlas uzzināt, kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez https:// ir:

I am trying to ping my website https://www.example.com/ and it resolves to an unknown IP address, then it times out.


But when I ping example.com, it works. What am I missing or not understanding here?

Note: example.com was substituted for the actual website at SuperUser.

Kāda ir atšķirība starp pingēšanu ar un bez https://?


SuperUser atbalstītājs DavidPostill mums ir atbilde:

The argument to ping is a host name (or an IP address). So the following will all work:


On the other hand, this will not work as https://www.example.com/ is an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL), not a valid host name (although part of it is a host name).

A HTTP URL is made up of 4 parts:
A HTTP URL is made up of 4 parts:
  • Scheme - Always present
  • Host Name - Always present
  • Path or Stem - Always present but sometimes is null
  • Parameters - Optional

A ping will not normally recognize URLs as a valid destination host name.


Not all URLs have the format mentioned above. A complete URL consists of a naming scheme specifier followed by a string whose format is a function of the naming scheme. The format of URLs is defined in the IETF specification Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). *This is a different website address from the one shown for URL above.

DNS Hijacking

An exception to the above can happen if the DNS server (which resolves host names to IP addresses) is configured to return a valid IP address even if an invalid host name is supplied. This can happen if an ISP is hijacking your DNS queries.

From the answer Why is ping resolving to an IP for any random host name that i type? by Michael Hampton:

They are trying to be “helpful” by redirecting requests for nonexistent domains to a white label service that provides search results and advertising, from which everyone but you gets a cut of the revenue. Fortunately, they do have a preferences page where you can supposedly turn it off.

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