Vai datora ventilatori vienmēr darbojas 100%, ja vien tas nav citādi?

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Vai datora ventilatori vienmēr darbojas 100%, ja vien tas nav citādi?
Vai datora ventilatori vienmēr darbojas 100%, ja vien tas nav citādi?
Neatkarīgi no tā, vai ir iekļauti klēpjdatori, galddatori vai pat spēļu konsoles, mēs, visi, dzirdējām fona sistēmas fani. Cik precīzi visi šie mazie dzesēšanas ventilatori zina, kad spin uz augšu, uz leju un citādi samazināt gaisa daudzumu, ko viņi pārvietojas?
Neatkarīgi no tā, vai ir iekļauti klēpjdatori, galddatori vai pat spēļu konsoles, mēs, visi, dzirdējām fona sistēmas fani. Cik precīzi visi šie mazie dzesēšanas ventilatori zina, kad spin uz augšu, uz leju un citādi samazināt gaisa daudzumu, ko viņi pārvietojas?

Šodien šī jautājumu un atbilžu sesija mums priecājas par "Stack Exchange" kopuzņēmuma SuperUser, "Sub" nodaļu, kas ir uz kopienām balstīta Q & A tīmekļa vietņu grupa.


SuperUser lasītājs darkAsPitch jautā:

What happens if I do not plug it into the motherboard and it does not have a switch?

I have seen fans before with an “off/low/high” switch that allows you to manually set their speed.

I have seen fans that plug into the motherboard and are controlled by the OS.

I am curious… what does a fan do by default when plugged into a PSU? Does it run at 100% unless otherwise told to go slower? This is what I would expect…

Tātad, kā viņi strādā? Pilns urbis, ja vien nav noteikts citādi?


SuperUser ieguldītājs Journeyman Geek piedāvā šādu ieskatu:

Well, kind of. Fan speed control is done by varying voltage or through Pulse Width Modulation (using a constant voltage and cutting it up into pulses to vary speed). If you’re plugged into a motherboard, that’s what it does. If it has 3 wires, the third wire tells the motherboard what’s the speed the fan is running as. If you have a 4th wire, fan speed control is done via PWM rather than voltage control.

You can plug in a 2 wire fan to a 3 or 4 wire connector (though you lose speed feed back), and a 3 wire to a 4 wire connector (where you lose PWM control). You can also use a fan controller to control speeds.

Else, assuming the power source is unaware it’s a fan (as it would be connected through molex for example), and is at a fixed voltage, yes, it goes at full speed all the time.

Līdzstrādnieks Hyperslug izceļ izņēmumu izpausmes:

Like the other guys said, pretty much yes, but I can think of 3 exceptions:

1. A few fans have a built in thermistor that will adjust speed depending on temperature.

2. PSU’s with specially marked Fan-Only PSU connectors (Antec TruePower 550W) can adjust the speed of the fan:

3. If you plug it into the PSU molex using the 12/5 volt rails (7 volt) or 12/7 rails (5 volt) it’ll be run slower, but at this point you’re modding.
3. If you plug it into the PSU molex using the 12/5 volt rails (7 volt) or 12/7 rails (5 volt) it’ll be run slower, but at this point you’re modding.

Un tur tas ir: ārpus ārējā kontrole ar kādu mehānismu (vai tas ir mātesplatē, ievads, termometrs vai inteliģentais PSU), ventilatori darbosies pie maksimālā ātruma, ko pieļauj barošanas avots.

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