Kas ir bare vai OEM cietais disks?

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Kas ir bare vai OEM cietais disks?
Kas ir bare vai OEM cietais disks?
Kad jūs iegādājaties jaunu cieto disku jūsu datoram vai klēpjdatoram, jūs varat darboties pāri terminiem Bare un / vai OEM, bet vai tie patiešām atšķiras no citiem cietajiem diskiem vai arī tie ir vienādi? Šodienas SuperUser Q & A ziņā ir atbildes uz sajaukt lasītāja jautājumiem.
Kad jūs iegādājaties jaunu cieto disku jūsu datoram vai klēpjdatoram, jūs varat darboties pāri terminiem Bare un / vai OEM, bet vai tie patiešām atšķiras no citiem cietajiem diskiem vai arī tie ir vienādi? Šodienas SuperUser Q & A ziņā ir atbildes uz sajaukt lasītāja jautājumiem.

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Foto pieklājīgi no Asten (Flickr).


SuperUser lasītājs Pankhuri Gupta vēlas uzzināt vairāk par "Bare" un "OEM" cietajiem diskiem:

I am looking for a new internal hard-drive for my laptop and found terms like ‘Bare’ hard-drive and ‘OEM’ hard-drive when looking online.

I researched the terms and found that ‘bare’ hard-drives do not come with cables or manuals. But I am still confused about one thing. Do they have the connector chip on them? Everywhere I looked online I saw images of ‘bare’ hard-drives displayed with exposed spindles and platters.

I do not believe that I will need any cables or other ‘accessory’ parts to replace the old hard-drive in my laptop.

Ko jūs faktiski saņemat ar cieto disku "Bare" vai "OEM"?


SuperUser atbalstītāji Journeyman Geek un Fiasco Labs mums ir atbilde. Pirmkārt, Journeyman Geek:

There is little practical difference between a retail or ‘OEM’ hard-drive for consumer systems. For the same model, it is the same exact hard-drive with all the relevant internal parts needed to make it function. In general, such hard-drives are primarily marketed at system builders who would rather get a padded box of hard-drives with just the necessary packaging.

In general, OEM packaging looks like this:

You have a hard-drive in a sealed bag and that is it. No SATA cables, manuals, or anything else is included.
You have a hard-drive in a sealed bag and that is it. No SATA cables, manuals, or anything else is included.

Hard-drives absolutely do not ship with exposed platters.

Depending on the type of hard-drive and the SKU, you may get some additional literature (like manuals), a SATA cable, or in the case of some SSDs, a ‘migration kit’ that would let you hook up your hard-drive over USB, image it, and then swap hard-drives.

I would also add that if it is a pre-built computer (or server in some cases), replacing the ‘OEM’ hard-drive that came standard in it with your own hard-drive (‘OEM’ or otherwise) may void the warranty. Some may also have specific firmware versions or be branded to the system builder.

Seko atbilde no Fiasco Labs:

‘Bare’ means a hard-drive in a manufacturer’s sealed anti-static bag (for all the vendors I have ever bought a hard-drive from). As long as it is properly packaged against g-forces, you are good to go.

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